Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Telephone Interpreting - Everything You Need to Know to Get Started


Telephone interpreting represents the easiest, fastest, and most cost-effective way to hire an interpreter in 2020. That said, you probably know that already. What you might not know, though, is how telephone interpreter services work.

Do you need to discuss important business with somebody who speaks a different language? If so, keep on reading to learn how telephone interpreting works, and how to prepare for calls.

How Does Telephone Interpreting Work?

How telephone interpreting works is simple. To start, you schedule a call with one or more parties, just like you usually would.

Once a call is scheduled, the next step is to reach out to an interpreter. At Languagers, we make this step simple, by making available a short contact form on our website.  We will connect you with a suitable interpreter. The interpreter we assign to you will then join in on your call, the same way anyone might a regular conference call.

You can also call on-demand 24/7 without scheduling.  Once you know what language you need translating and when a call will take place on-demand, you will be connected to a suitable interpreter in seconds. This can also be done the same way as a regular conference call. You can add an interpreter while you are speaking with someone on your phone.

In every case, our team at Languagers will be able to connect you with an interpreter within the time frame. All that needs to be remembered in calls where an interpreter is present, is that communication will flow slightly differently to how it might usually.

What to Expect During Calls When Working with an Interpreter

Usually, when people converse via telephone, conversations overlap and can be somewhat scattered.

During a regular telephone call, you or a party you are talking to might chip in as the other person is talking. It can also be difficult to know when it is the right time to speak.

During calls where an interpreter is present, dialogue between parties is more structured.

In calls between two parties, conversations are interpreted consecutively. One party will, therefore, speak. Afterward, there will then be a brief pause, as interpreters translate what has been said for the benefit of the other caller.

Here’s what else to expect:

l  During calls, a translator might ask you or the other party in a conversation to pause speaking or repeat what you have just said. This will ensure that what you are saying is translated accurately.

l  Interpreters will usually participate in calls using wearable headsets and mics to optimize audio quality. You can too, but doing so is optional.

l  Usually, it will not be possible to interrupt an interpreter as they are speaking. This is because most interpreters use feedback blackout technology that prevents them from hearing their own voices when speaking.

When working with a telephone interpreter during calls where dialogue from several people may need to be translated, the exact format of a call may be different. However, before calls take place, your interpreter or translation agency will brief you on what to expect.


How Should You Prepare for Calls with an Interpreter?

When preparing for a telephone call where an interpreter will be present, it is important to clarify the context of a call with interpreters.

As a rule, you should let your interpreter know who will be participating in a call, what their professional positions are, and what you will be discussing. When possible, it is also advisable to give interpreters copies of any documents that might be discussed.

When preparing for calls, it is also important to make sure that call sound quality will not drop during conversations. This being the case, it is always a good idea to conduct test calls to check the suitability of telephony hardware and connections.


What About Maintaining Client Confidentiality?

In business, details of conversations with clients and business partners must be kept strictly confidential. Thankfully, all Languager telephone interpreters are bound by strict confidentiality agreements. However, this isn’t the same for some other interpreters.

If hiring a freelance interpreter or using a different telephone interpreter service, make sure to ask interpreters to sign non-disclosure agreements. This will ensure that the details of conversations with your clients and associates remain strictly confidential.



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Although American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters play a crucial role for the people and especially for the whole deaf community but the ad...