Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Differences between Zoom Simultaneous interpretation and Translation Features

Zoom Translation Feature in Video conferences

Translation and interpreter are the services that differ from each other by 180 degrees. But it's a common misconception to exchange the actual uses of these terms and consider them as one. Video conferences tools also have a concrete divergence between the two terms. The users of these services have entirely variant demands and needs that cannot be exchanged. The situation of exchanging resembles the same as connecting the North Pole to the South Pole and the outcome will go nowhere. Let's explore how these two terms are different. 



This action is a spontaneous one. Interpretation is a different skill set in a different medium. The major difference is it is conducted in the oral medium. A speaker speaks the language and the interpreter listens, comprehend, and then translates it into the target language. To do this work efficiently requires absolute command over the language and understanding of culture linked to that language. 



This action is not a spontaneous one. Translation also has different skillsets and mediums. The major difference is it is conducted in a written medium. Translation could be done of the text written 100 years ago. We read novels and other texts that are originally written in another language many years ago. However, translators translate them into the target language and maintain the context and gist of the content. 


Zoom Simultaneous Interpretation Features: 

Zoom Simultaneous Interpretation Feature has evolved the world of interpretation. It allows the host to add up to 20 participants in a meeting. An audio channel is created for the interpreter to do its work. Users can switch on to their language audio channel and can lower the volume of the original audio. Interpretation is a time-consuming process. It takes the same time to interpret and speak the original language. Sometimes it takes more time to interpret. Zoom offers a low monthly price and offers face-to-face interaction through its interpretation feature. Moreover, it integrates more than 200 applications to build the capacity of the zoom app.

Simultaneous Interpretation of language by interpreter

 Zoom Translation Feature: 

A translator is not needed to be present physically to translate a text.  It can be provided virtually. Through digital applications, a translating service could be provided by sitting in any corner of the world. However, Zoom Translation feature offer live and offline translation in the form of captions. As compared to interpretation it is less time-consuming. It does not take even half of the time as interpretation. The translation appears simultaneously and the participant can read it in no time. It's easy to read and comprehend the meaning of the original speaker. It does not involve the wrong conveying of perception of the interpreter. The user will read and comprehend the meaning according to his/ her perception and there is no one to blame for the wrong conveying. The reader of the caption does not have to concentrate and focus on the dialect of the language. The translation is written and easy to grasp and understand. It is most of the time accurate and artificial intelligence is involved to translate. It also offers productivity in a meeting. Zoom translations offer improved accessibility and the participants are more engaged with this feature. The understanding of the context of the conversation is simultaneous. 


Zoom simultaneous Interpretation and Zoom Translation features are variedly different and offer value to the users of Zoom. Hence, the audiences of these two services are entirely different. No service has privilege over the other as it depends on the preferences of the individual users to choose which options they like to go with. Languagers is also adding great value to the services of interpretation and translation. Check it out! 

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