Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Dos and don'ts in American sign language interpretation

American sign language Interpretation for deaf

American Sign Language Interpretation is a task that needs precision as well as emotional sensitivity towards the deaf person. A sign language interpreter is aware of the emotional turmoil a deaf person experiences in a societal gathering, and the official interpretation requires an emotional connection with the deaf. There are many precautions to take while performing American Sign Language interpretation. It is a task of an interpreter to convey the message effectively as deaf people are insecure about not being able to convey their message to everyone. The interpreter must do such kind of job that the point of the language Interpretation must get across. There is a list of dos and don'ts while attempting sign interpretation. Languagers have thoroughly researched and made some points for their readers. 



Be sensitive: 

Deaf community and their sensitivity are easily navigated when the same situation of not being heard and understood is applied to a normal person existing in the land of foreign languagers. The aggression brings by not being able to communicate, and things would not be executed according to your ways is unimaginable. A sign interpreter must be sensitive when around a deaf person and try to connect with that person so he/she may feel relax and communicate properly through signs. This way an interpreter will also do their task efficiently. 



It is convenient for deaf people to understand the alphabet through fingerspelling. While doing the introduction an interpreter must fingerspell its name first to make a friendly approach towards the deaf. It is good to tell the interpreter's name first in signs of alphabets. The deaf community gives name signs to the people and they expect to be treated in the same way. 


Stable Body Language: 

While doing American Sign Language interpretation, an interpreter's body language is important to develop comfort with the deaf. Stable hand movements and eye contact are crucial to understanding the other expression. Interpreter should get the attention of a deaf person because the purpose of its service is to make the hearing people understand about the deaf. Hearing senses are disabled but its sense of touch is able and the interpreter can tap the arm or the knee of the deaf to make him/her attentive that the interpreter is all set to communicate. Pounding the feet also send vibrations to the deaf.  


Do not talk fast through signs: 

It's a communication barrier between the deaf and the interpreter if signs are made too fast. The deaf is unable to understand because of the first interaction and also there is a chance of poor cognitive skill so to be on the safe side and make the conversation effective slow signs should be made to get the best outcome. 

Stop Calling names: 

It's highly unethical to label someone by their physical or mental disability. To summon a person his/her name is always called but in cases of disable people, we call them blind, deaf, or dumb. The actions are taken by the authorities and it is suggested to use the word deaf, or visually impaired. These words do not describe their inabilities of senses rather the disability is addressed as natural impairment.  

Interpreter for conversation in American sign Language


Switch Abruptly: 

It is not recommended to change the conversation while talking with the deaf abruptly. It's a rule for the interpreter to make aware the deaf person of the conversation topic and details. Without warning never try to change the topic of the conversation. 



There is an extensive list made for the dos and don'ts in American Sign Language Interpretation. The do's list includes being sensitive, always fingerspell your name to make an impression on the deaf, and develop stable body language. The don'ts list includes never change the topic of the conversation suddenly, never make fast signs, and don't be insensitive while calling names to the deaf and other physically challenged people. 

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Although American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters play a crucial role for the people and especially for the whole deaf community but the ad...